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Elf doll christmas Elf- Star Wars Storm Trooper - Darth Vadar - Chewbacca CHEWY - nightly christmas elf activity kit

Elf doll christmas Elf- Star Wars Storm Trooper - Darth Vadar - Chewbacca CHEWY - nightly christmas elf activity kit

Regular price $65.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $65.00 USD
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Star Wars Kit

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Countdown to Christmas with this Star Wars themed Elf doll kit! Choose your Star Wars kit, or select all 3!

The Stormtrooper kit includes the following: (elf doll not included in the kits)

1 10" Star Wars StormTrooper character with blaster
1 cloaked hoodie outfit for your elf
1 miniature light saber for your elf
1 cardstock storm trooper mask
1 cardstock sign reading "Aren't you a little short to be a trooper?"
1 Cardstock sign reading "may the force be with you"

The Darth Vadar kit includes:

1 10" Star Wars Darth Vadar character with light saber
1 cloaked hoodie outfit for your elf
1 cardstock darth vader mask
1 miniature light saber for your elf
1 cardstock sign reading "Elf, I am your father"
1 Cardstock sign reading "may the force be with you"

The Chewbacca kit includes:

1 10" Star Wars Chewbacca character with bow
1 cloaked hoodie outfit for your elf
1 miniature light saber for your elf
1 cardstock sign reading "chewy, you’re a good pal"
1 Cardstock sign reading "may the force be with you"

All 3 kits will include:

1 10" Star Wars Darth Vadar character with light saber
1 10" Star Wars Chewbacca character with bow
1 10" Star Wars StormTrooper character with blaster
1 cloaked hoodie outfit for your elf
1 miniature light saber for your elf
1 cardstock storm trooper mask
1 cardstock darth Vader mask
1 cardstock sign reading "Aren't you a little short to be a trooper?"
1 Cardstock sign reading "may the force be with you"
1 cardstock sign reading "Elf, I am your father"
1 cardstock sign reading "chewy, you’re a good pal”

darth+chewy kit
1 10" Star Wars Darth Vadar character with light saber
1 10" Star Wars Chewbacca character with bow
1 cloaked hoodie outfit for your elf
1 miniature light saber for your elf
1 cardstock darth Vader mask
1 cardstock sign reading "Elf, I am your father"
1 cardstock sign reading "chewy, you’re a good pal”

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