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11 Piece Bluey Gift Basket for kids Prefilled Easter Basket for kids Kids Easter Accessories

11 Piece Bluey Gift Basket for kids Prefilled Easter Basket for kids Kids Easter Accessories

Regular price $175.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $175.00 USD
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11 Piece Bluey Dog Prefilled Themed Easter Basket. This Basket is wrapped in clear cellophane and topped with a large bow. This basket includes:

1 pack of 2 Bluey Character themed sticker face sheets and 3 Bluey themed temporary tattoos
1 Bluey Bob Bilbey Book
1 Bluey Easter book
1 Bluey Paint Coloring book and paintbrush
1 Bluey Bob Bilbey Puppet
1 Bluey dog Easter Plush Character
1 Bluey Chalk kit
1 Bluey themed character figurine pack (character may vary)
1 Bluey Water bottle
1 Bluey VTech electronic game watch
1 Bluey Puzzle in Collectors Tin

add on candy is for 10 pieces of candy. choose your selection based on photo or follow the listing below to add more!

All items are secure by glue dots. Items may shift during shipping.

Add on candy is for 10 pieces of Easter themed candy, that is placed in the basket.

Add on eggs are for a basic bundle of eggs containing 44 prefilled Easter eggs and are sold at half price with the purchase of a basket.

Basic Egg Bundle (44 prefilled eggs)
Tic Tac Toe
Spring jump character
Excavation eggs
Connect 3 Game
Barrel of Monkeys
Puzzle Eraser
Miniature stuffed animal
Easter themed rubber duck
Pull back bunny car
Light up Easter ring
Egg shaped sidewalk chalk
Stretchy bunny fidget toy
Kinetic Sand in egg
Easter Mochi squishy
Easter themed jigsaw puzzle
Easter themed non-lego building bricks x2
Easter themed play doh/peeps container (style may vary)
Miniature paint set
create your own pom pom craft bunny or chick
Egg shaped stamp
Light up LED Ducks
Bendable ducks
Easter Prism Kaleidoscope
Bunny Whistle
Sequin Bunny Character
Bunny Sharpener
3D Bunny Puzzle with egg
Scentos Scented markers
Carrot shaped Highlighter
Lightup Easter keychain
Bunny Shaped eraser
Jumping Bunny x 3
Easter marble maze
Squishy Easter Egg
Silly Putty egg
Squishy yo-yo animal
Wall Climber figurine
Easter Building Bricks (non lego) in egg

Eggs are wrapped in a clear cellophane bag and topped with a large bow.

***Shipping POLICY*** Any Lost or Damaged Packages need to be reported to the shipping carrier with photographic proof of damage. If the item is showing as delivered with proof of delivery, but you cannot find your package, please contact your shipping carrier to file a claim. This shop is not responsible for properly delivered items you deem to be missing. However, please contact this shop with any issues and we can assist with your claim process WITH THE CARRIER.

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